1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the theres.life moderators.

  1. Content illegal in United States or Germany (location of the server) are not permitted
  2. Don’t post anything lewd, sexually suggestive, or explicit
  3. Any kind of bigotry against people or their beliefs is prohibited
  4. Be considerate when replying to others’ posts. Would they appreciate the tone or content of your response? Think before you post.
  5. All kinds of harassment are prohibited
  6. Spam (repeated posting of something identical or similar) is not allowed
  7. Accounts dedicated to promoting a brand or business are not allowed
  8. Don't use profanity, especially using the Lord's name in vain
  9. Threats of violence, incitement to violence, and graphic depictions of violence are prohibited
  10. An account block of the moderators @life, @big_diggity, @royal, or @chiachatter will result in an automatic suspension.
  11. Here are some suggested questions to answer when creating a new account. Are you a Christian? What denomination do you affiliate with? Do you have any other social media accounts to share? What kind of content to you plan to share?