is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A family-friendly social network (Mastodon instance) devoted to the new life found in Christ.

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Gabriele Pollara
Quiet public

@m @maegul @WestLawns @fediversenews awesome explanations to all this, thank you. Learnt something new but can also see how this can feel too much to get head around for the average member of public!

Quiet public

@gpollara @m @maegul @WestLawns @fediversenews
Search is mastodon's biggest weakness. If I search for a hashtag, I would like it to find any post with that hashtag on any mastodon server. But I can't. I know many are aghast at the new onboarding process pushing everyone onto, but it is the only thing which will help new users stay. At least it gives people a chance to find others based on interest. I really wish this was a better experience


@jupiter_rowland @m I gathered it was more technical than political - although, the limit of reach to only your friends' friends, does have the potential to form echo chambers. Ok, so on the web, if I get myself a brand new domain and create a brand new website, no-one knows about it yet, BUT, Google's and Bing's and whoever else's little bots will crawl around and find it eventually, and then anyone who searches for my name on those engines will find me. Could someone create a Fediverse search bot that crawls around and finds new servers, or however it works?