It is concerning that it seems common for theology and seminary students to be taught Biblical languages without corresponding teaching in linguistics and translation theory.
This leads to damaging views that translation is about finding one-to-one equivalents, that Biblical words just sat around with English equivalents tied to them and that it's Biblical and that it's viable to view scholarship as the sole or main entry way to spiritual knowledge, as if those who didn't go to seminary are less than those who did.
Sadly, I have come across people who have attended seminary and end up with those views. I hope they are less common than they seem.
Would it be possible for seminaries to pull in a linguistics and/or translation module and summarise what the Bible demonstrates about translation?
@multilingualchurch I think we'd find that every seminary's own theological leanings would discover that the text doesn't always say what they think it says!
@jovial_cynic Possibly. I also think it might help bring out some new discoveries.