First thing to remember when attending a wake or burial in the #Philippines …
* wear white, not black
Unless otherwise specified by the family.
@youronlyone I've done this and was told to wear white top, black slacks. Is that the same?
@royal Yep!
White top is common. For bottom, there isn't exactly any preference, shorts are fine even. ^_~
Some families also announce what to wear for burial day. If a family want it to be formal, it's when they inform everyone to come in semi-formal attire on top of wearing white tops. However, most Filipino families are fine with any bottoms as long as it's white tops.
Even footwear, if you want to come in slippers, that's fine too. ^_^
In case you were already outside when you heard, like coming from the office, whatever you're wearing is fine. We generally explain when we arrive; or the grieving family immediately asks, “you came from work? Thank you for coming, it's probably out of your way.”
To add to that, you don't have to say, “I'm sorry for your loss.” It's understandable, but we say/ask instead, “How are you?”
A typical conversation goes like this:
Family: Hey! How are you? You came from work?
Visitor: Hi! Yeah, I heard it earlier today, sorry I'm wearing black/red.
Family: That's fine, don't worry about it.
Visitor: How are you?
Family: Fine. I'm reserving my tears for the burial this weekend *laughs*
Visitor: *laughs*
Family: Come, come, we have food/snacks inside. Person B and Person C is inside. Or, if you want you can see him/her first (referring to the dearly departed)? Here, here. Look at him/her, so peaceful.
Then it's chit-chat. It can go from updating each other about our lives to remembering the good things about the dearly departed.
It goes back to solemn atmosphere if there's a religious prayer service. 30 minutes for Pentecostal and born-again; can be up to 60 minutes for Catholics and Protestants. (And if you just arrived, you can eat while the service is on-going, if you want, or stay outside if you don't subscribe to the particular religion). It's not rude to do so.
What is generally considered rude is playing loud music, especially upbeat non-religious music. Or, talking loudly while inside the venue, while someone is paying they respects (looking at the dearly departed; standing before the casket) but after that it's fine to talk loud again. ^^;;
I mean, kids can run around, play. Adults can talk about anything, even laugh.
It's very casual usually. ^_^