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A family-friendly social network (Mastodon instance) devoted to the new life found in Christ.

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Anders Rytter Hansen

Has anyone tried the DE for in the recent years?

How was the experience?



Ive never stopped, just recently did my first nixos build with enlightenment. Had an old XPS with 4k screen works nicely. I like the reenlightened theme

Anders Rytter Hansen

Have you tested the Wayland implementation of Enlightenment?


No, I guess Wayland is kind of on my to-do list…I just don’t need anything it offers. I’m grumpily enough implementing systemd already

Anders Rytter Hansen

I see. Well for me too, Xorg offered all the features I need and is still more well supported than Wayland in some areas, but on my system Wayland has so much better performance. On Xorg I was having mouse lags, on Wayland it's just smooth.