is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A family-friendly social network (Mastodon instance) devoted to the new life found in Christ.

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I've been biting my nails to the elbows in anticipation of posting my because, like @Liberonscien I never know how much to share. However, as a vlogger for many years (under a different name) I'm going to guess that my whole life is pretty much "out there" anyway! I chose this instance because first and foremost, before anything else, I am a Christian and live my life for Jesus. I have wide-ranging interests, however. I'm a retired grandma, and hubby and I live in a motorhome with 2 dogs (one is my assistance dog) and 2 parrots. We've traveled for 5 years full-time. I'm a musician (Yamaha keyboards and ukuleles), love to cook (low carb for me, vegan for hubby) , and run a blog. There's probably more but that's enough for now. I'm chatty and always give people the benefit of the doubt, but you only get one chance to do me wrong 😉. I always reply and always comment on things - or to people - that interest me. Thanks for reading!


@ChiaChatter @Liberonscien

Welcome. We could use more chatty folks. Everyone here is pretty nice, sharing a basic religious orientation--other than that, it's a smorgasbord. Some reveal pretty much everything going on in their lives. Others are about as reticent and terse as a haiku.


@malanrich @ChiaChatter I wouldn't be so sure about us sharing the same religious orientation unless you are referring to the instance.


@Liberonscien @malanrich Right...I'm pretty sure that's what he's referring to, but no worries, I'm an equal-opportunity reader and poster!